About Us  

Our fundamental objective is to make life easier after shoulder surgery and subsequent visits to physical therapy during the healing process.

The RecoveryBra US PATENT 12/685,659 was invented by a former shoulder patient.


Troy Anthony LLC and staff of seamstress.

RecoveryBra (US PATENT 12/685,659) was invented by the owner of the company, a Doctor of Health Education and former shoulder patient.


The goal for RecoveryBra is to provide comfort and modesty to the thousands of  women undergoing rotator or other shoulder surgery each year, providing them a product that meets special needs during this rehabilitation period.  We understand surgery isn’t an easy process so we wanted to design a bra that only requires one arm to put it on. This helps solve a problem by making life easier by providing the support and coverage you need. 

 Made in the U.S.A

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Structured bra-making with boning, not wire

Each piece is inspected, made with quality, and is durable to last over a 100 washes.

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